Clear your mind…

Take a moment every now and again to stop…clear your mind…let go of stress, tension, worry, insecurities…whatever else is bogging you down and holding you back. You might just find that with a clear mind you can approach challenges with more strength and flexibility than you ever thought possible.

Ginger: The Wonder Root!

Let’s talk about ginger… The crud is certainly going around town this late winter/early spring.  Unfortunately many seem to be suffering from influenza, stomach flu, or both.  Do you know about the amazing healing effects of ginger?  Got a sore throat? Feeling nauseous? Experiencing indigestion?  Just feeling punk?  Think ginger! While it may look a…


It is cold, cold, cold here in the North Country! -30 degrees F!! Keep warm folks!

Remember to breathe…

What do you do to de-stress? I like to practice yoga.  Time on the yoga mat can be thought of as a gift. It is time away from reality. How often in your day do you get to be in a quiet room and just breathe?    Probably not that often, so when you devote the…

Winding roads…

Wouldn’t it be nice if the road of life was one big open highway?  Just a long, straight expanse of new pavement as far as the eye could see.  No twists, no turns, no detours.  Approaching traffic or bumps in the road could be seen with plenty of time to react and adjust.  I sometimes…

Be present…

Monday thoughts… “I am an intelligent river which has reflected successively all the banks before which it has flowed by meditating only on the images offered by those changing shores.”  -Victor Hugo Be present.  Otherwise you are either living upstream from the important things or you are allowing yourself to be swept away. Have a…

Be at home…

What is a home? A home is a place where one lives, where one is comfortable.  It can be an environment that offers security and happiness.  Maybe it is a valued setting, regarded as a refuge or place of origin.  Any way you choose to define it, home seems to be synonymous with comfort, stability,…

Be flexible…

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. On the surface that seems like just a humorous quip; maybe it gives you a little chuckle.   But wait…give it a minute…swish it around a bit…and think about it again.  It is actually very true on several levels. From a physical standpoint…

Fight or flight…

Stress.  We all have it. We all hate it. We would all be happier and healthier without it. We can take steps to reducing the stressors in our day-to-day lives, but to some extent stress is inevitable and will remain out of our control.  What we can control, however, is how we individually manage and…